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XL Bully Breed Type Dogs

Additional Private Hire Conditions for XL Bully Breed Type Dogs

Effective from 31 December 2023 the XL Bully Breed Type Dog is included on the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991. This means that from the 31 December 2023 we are not able to have XL Bully Breed Type Dogs at our Socialisation Sessions. They are welcome to join us for Private Hire Sessions subject to the certain conditions being met. These conditions have been imposed by our insurance company. (The Government has issued guidance to explain what is considered a XL Bully Breed Type Dog – Guidance: Applying the XL Bully breed type conformation standard.)


  • The dog is registered with the index of exempted dog (IED) and all guidelines set out by the IED must be adhered to.

  • A copy of the life certificate (Certificate of Exemption) must be provided to us at the time of booking.

  • A copy of the public liability insurance certificate for the dog must provided to us at the time of booking.

  • The dog handler ratio is 1:1 with their handler at all times.

  • Dogs must remain on lead and muzzled whilst in the carpark and until you have entered the field and locked the gate behind you. Once you have entered the field at locked the gate behind you may let your dog off lead and unmuzzle them if you decide to do so. 

  • You must contact us at the time of booking to confirm that you agree to comply with the above conditions.